Smaller asteroids can be far more dangerous than previously believedZee NewsThe show focuses on the destructive potential of asteroids, chronicling how Boslough and his colleagues learn that small asteroids can do far more damage than previously thought. The research also…
Author: emperor
Gold rush in space? Asteroid miners prepare, but eye water first – Reuters
Times of India Gold rush in space? Asteroid miners prepare, but eye water firstReutersWithin three years, two firms plan prospecting missions to passing asteroids. When even a modest space rock might meet demand for metals like platinum or gold for…
Icann chief: shift away from US 'is the way forward' – The Guardian
The Guardian Icann chief: shift away from US ‘is the way forward’The GuardianIn a press conference held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, chief executive of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Icann) Fadi Chehadé publicly stated that the internet…
Evidence of granite found on Mars – Red Planet geology more complex than previously thought – ZME Science
Evidence of granite found on Mars – Red Planet geology more complex than previously thought ZME Science
Evidence of granite found on Mars – Red Planet geology more complex than previously thought – ZME Science
Evidence of granite found on Mars – Red Planet geology more complex than previously thought ZME Science
To The Moon, Jeremy! Canadian Astronaut Thinks Off-Planet Geology During Arctic Trip – Universe Today
To The Moon, Jeremy! Canadian Astronaut Thinks Off-Planet Geology During Arctic Trip Universe Today
Planetary Geology: An Introduction – University College London
Planetary Geology: An Introduction University College London
Steno's principles and planetary geology – The Planetary Society
Steno’s principles and planetary geology The Planetary Society
Steno's principles and planetary geology – The Planetary Society
Steno’s principles and planetary geology The Planetary Society
Democrats push for new Internet sales taxes | Politics and Law – CNET News
Democrats push for new Internet sales taxes | Politics and Law – CNET News. …”The halcyon days of tax-free Internet shopping will, if Rep. Bill Delahunt gets his way, soon be coming to an abrupt end. Delahunt, a Massachusetts Democrat,…