Earth’s deadliest extinction saw temperatures soar by 50°F: Study Interesting Engineering New Study Explains How Ancient Amphibians Survived End-Permian Mass Extinction Sci.News Plants struggled for millions of years after Earth’s worst climate catastrophe – new study The Conversation Ancient Fossils Reveal Survival Secrets…
Author: emperor
Should giant asteroid head for Earth, Hawaii is first line of defense – Hawaii News Now
Should giant asteroid head for Earth, Hawaii is first line of defense Hawaii News Now
POLL! At What Age Was Life Most Fun? – Lost Coast Outpost
POLL! At What Age Was Life Most Fun? Lost Coast Outpost
Italian Scientists Freeze Light In Breakthrough Research: 'Only The Beginning…' – Times Now
Italian Scientists Freeze Light In Breakthrough Research: ‘Only The Beginning…’ Times Now Emerging supersolidity in photonic-crystal polariton condensates A New Supersolid Born From Light Pushes the Limits of Physics Popular Mechanics Italian Scientists ‘Freeze’ Light In Quantum Discovery: Here’s What You Need…
New map of ‘mega ripples’ caused by dinosaur-killing asteroid helps recreate extinction event – The Independent
New map of ‘mega ripples’ caused by dinosaur-killing asteroid helps recreate extinction event The Independent
A new puzzling observation by James Webb Spac – EurekAlert
A new puzzling observation by James Webb Spac EurekAlert
Webb Reveals Incredible Detail in Actively Forming Star System Lynds 483 – Astrobiology News
Webb Reveals Incredible Detail in Actively Forming Star System Lynds 483 Astrobiology News
UAE Space Agency completes CDR for Emirates Mission to the Asteroid Belt –
UAE Space Agency completes CDR for Emirates Mission to the Asteroid Belt
52-foot-high 'megaripples' from asteroid that killed the dinosaurs mapped deep beneath Louisiana in 3D – MSN
52-foot-high ‘megaripples’ from asteroid that killed the dinosaurs mapped deep beneath Louisiana in 3D MSN
The best astronomy books, according to Neil deGrasse Tyson – NewsBytes
The best astronomy books, according to Neil deGrasse Tyson NewsBytes