Asteroid diversity greater than initially believedKnovelUnderstanding asteroids, in particular how they end up in the various places they travel, could play an integral role in successfully predicting when different celestial bodies could come close to or impact with Earth. Recent…
Category: Asteroid Warning and Deterrance
Emperor’s new agency for world protection
Getting Ready for Asteroids – eNews Park Forest
CNET Getting Ready for AsteroidseNews Park ForestEU–(ENEWSPF)–31 January 2014. With a mandate from the UN, ESA and other space agencies from around the world are about to establish a high-level group to help coordinate global response should a threatening asteroid…
Asteroid diversity points to a "snow globe" solar system – TG Daily
Asteroid diversity points to a “snow globe” solar systemTG Daily“We found that the giant planets shook up the asteroids like flakes in a snow globe,” says lead author Francesca DeMeo, a Hubble postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.…
Study: Solar system full of 'rogue' asteroids – CNN
CNN Study: Solar system full of ‘rogue’ asteroidsCNN(CNN) — If you want to find an asteroid, the region between Mars and Jupiter is a great place to look. That area where asteroids hang out is called the main asteroid belt.…
The solar system was once like a giant chaotic SNOW GLOBE – Daily Mail
Daily Mail The solar system was once like a giant chaotic SNOW GLOBEDaily MailAstronomers have theorised that long-ago asteroid impacts delivered much of the water now filling Earth’s oceans, as shown in this artist’s conception. If true, the stirring provided…
This Is Nasa's Plan to Save Earth From Killer Asteroids – Huffington Post UK
This Is Nasa’s Plan to Save Earth From Killer AsteroidsHuffington Post UKWhile we aren’t yet able to send up cosmic heroes to drill into asteroids and blow them up with nukes, we are better able than ever to track and…
Rogue Asteroids may be more Common than Believed – French Tribune
French Tribune Rogue Asteroids may be more Common than BelievedFrench TribuneIn the 1980s, the viewpoint of scientists regarding the solar system’s asteroids was static. They believed the asteroids formed near the Sun continue to exist near it and those away…
Asteroids and Large Planets Cause 'Snow Globe' Effect – International Business Times UK
International Business Times UK Asteroids and Large Planets Cause ‘Snow Globe’ EffectInternational Business Times UKAsteroid belts cause disturbance within the solar system in the same way as a “snow globe”, it has been revealed. Researchers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for…
Asteroid Belt Holds Clues To Era Of Swinging Planets – NPR (blog)
NPR (blog) Asteroid Belt Holds Clues To Era Of Swinging PlanetsNPR (blog)The asteroid belt, a ring of rubble between Mars and Jupiter, has sometimes been written off as discarded leftovers from the solar system’s start. But new research published in…
New space map shows that 'rogue' asteroids may be more common than believed – Zee News
New space map shows that ‘rogue’ asteroids may be more common than believedZee NewsWashington: A new map developed by researchers from MIT and the Paris Observatory charts the size, composition, and location of more than 100,000 asteroids throughout the solar…