Looks like a comet but feels like an asteroid? That’s wild!The ConversationComet ISON’s fate has left many sad. For the public, the comet could have made for a spectacular view in December. For scientists, it would have been a chance…
Category: Asteroid Warning and Deterrance
Emperor’s new agency for world protection
Rock science: Asteroids as space mines – Indian Express
Rock science: Asteroids as space minesIndian ExpressWithin three years, two firms plan prospecting missions to passing asteroids. Even a modest space rock might meet demand for metals like platinum or gold for centuries. But with no way to bring much…
Mission Asteroid explores future impact of space rocks Coming soon to CBC … – CBC.ca
Mission Asteroid explores future impact of space rocks Coming soon to CBC …CBC.caIf a killer asteroid threatens Earth, stopping it may involve sending human astronauts to divert it. The new documentary Mission Asteroid looks at how scientists are preparing for…
NASA taps Silicon Valley space miners to crowdsource asteroid threats – Quartz
NASA taps Silicon Valley space miners to crowdsource asteroid threatsQuartzNASA is taking a new approach to spotting potentially threatening space rocks hurtling toward earth: Crowdsourcing. Last month the US space agency announced it would begin working with Planetary Resources Inc.…
Earth has high risk of asteroid impact – Arizona Daily Wildcat
Earth has high risk of asteroid impactArizona Daily WildcatThe Chelyabinsk asteroid wasn’t big enough to cause any catastrophic damage to Earth, and scientists believed a collision of that size would only occur once every few hundred years. However, according to…
Science arms itself against asteroids – Windsor Star (blog)
Windsor Star (blog) Science arms itself against asteroidsWindsor Star (blog)Jeff Thrasher, a graduate of Holy Names high school in Windsor, is pictured in the High Arctic where he filmed NASA researcher Pascal Lee studying one the largest impact craters on…
Alien-hunting equation revamped for mining asteroids – New Scientist
Alien-hunting equation revamped for mining asteroidsNew ScientistRecent years have seen two US companies – Planetary Resources and Deep Space Industries – established with the intent of one day mining space rocks. NASA also has asteroid ambitions, with a plan to…
Miyazaki in the sky with Gundam: Japan's astronomical otaku have been naming … – ROCKETNEWS24
Miyazaki in the sky with Gundam: Japan’s astronomical otaku have been naming …ROCKETNEWS24When a new asteroid is discovered and its orbit is established, the right to name that floating chunk of matter is given to the astronomer who found it.…
NASA Teams With Asteroid-Mining Company to Crowdsource Space Rock Hunt – Space.com
Space.com NASA Teams With Asteroid-Mining Company to Crowdsource Space Rock HuntSpace.comNASA is partnering with the billionaire-backed company Planetary Resources Inc., to launch asteroid-hunting competitions, and they want your help. Then U.S. space agency and the asteroid-mining firm are seeking to…
You Read It Here First: George Will Cites CNN on Global Warming Causing … – NewsBusters (blog)
NewsBusters (blog) You Read It Here First: George Will Cites CNN on Global Warming Causing …NewsBusters (blog)George Will marveled in his column late last week over how “a CNN anchor wondered if an asteroid that passed by Earth on Feb.…