Category: Planetary Geology

Correct Frame of reference for Planetary Geology

Creationist Bingo – Patheos (blog)

Patheos (blog) Creationist BingoPatheos (blog)Michael Roberts shared the above card for playing “Creationist Bingo.” It seems to have been updated compared to ones that I have seen before. Someone needs to make a full set, with the squares shuffled around,…

Creationist Bingo – Patheos (blog)

Patheos (blog) Creationist BingoPatheos (blog)Michael Roberts shared the above card for playing “Creationist Bingo.” It seems to have been updated compared to ones that I have seen before. Someone needs to make a full set, with the squares shuffled around,…

Creationist Bingo – Patheos (blog)

Patheos (blog) Creationist BingoPatheos (blog)Michael Roberts shared the above card for playing “Creationist Bingo.” It seems to have been updated compared to ones that I have seen before. Someone needs to make a full set, with the squares shuffled around,…