Category: Planetary Geology

Correct Frame of reference for Planetary Geology

Glaciers in the Grand Canyon of Mars? – Phys.Org

Glaciers in the Grand Canyon of Mars?Phys.OrgFor decades, planetary geologists have speculated that glaciers might once have crept through Valles Marineris, the 2000-mile-long chasm that constitutes the Grand Canyon of Mars. Using satellite images, researchers have identified features that might…

Glaciers in the Grand Canyon of Mars? – Phys.Org

Glaciers in the Grand Canyon of Mars?Phys.OrgFor decades, planetary geologists have speculated that glaciers might once have crept through Valles Marineris, the 2000-mile-long chasm that constitutes the Grand Canyon of Mars. Using satellite images, researchers have identified features that might…

Glaciers in the Grand Canyon of Mars? – Phys.Org

Glaciers in the Grand Canyon of Mars?Phys.OrgFor decades, planetary geologists have speculated that glaciers might once have crept through Valles Marineris, the 2000-mile-long chasm that constitutes the Grand Canyon of Mars. Using satellite images, researchers have identified features that might…