Category: Uncategorized

House Votes to Block ICANN Handoff – Broadcasting & Cable

House Votes to Block ICANN HandoffBroadcasting & CableHouse passage of the 2015 Commerce, Justice, Science (CJS) Appropriations Act last week included an amendment that would effectively prevent the National Telecommunications & Information Administration’s planned hand-off to a multistakeholder model …Second House…

House Votes to Block ICANN Handoff – Broadcasting & Cable

House Votes to Block ICANN HandoffBroadcasting & CableHouse passage of the 2015 Commerce, Justice, Science (CJS) Appropriations Act last week included an amendment that would effectively prevent the National Telecommunications & Information Administration’s planned hand-off to a multistakeholder model …Second House…

House Votes to Block ICANN Handoff – Broadcasting & Cable

House Votes to Block ICANN HandoffBroadcasting & CableHouse passage of the 2015 Commerce, Justice, Science (CJS) Appropriations Act last week included an amendment that would effectively prevent the National Telecommunications & Information Administration’s planned hand-off to a multistakeholder model …Second House…