ICANN, Brittany TLD group pen agreement ahead of .bzh launchTelecompaper (subscription)ICANN and the www.bzh association signed an agreement on 28 February for the new .bzh GeoTLD, reaching a key milestone towards the upcoming launch of the new domain names with…
Category: Uncategorized
Internet Governance: Will ICANN Be The Next International Organisation In … – Intellectual Property Watch
Internet Governance: Will ICANN Be The Next International Organisation In …Intellectual Property WatchGeneva is home to the UN International Telecommunication Union (ITU), viewed by some governments as a more neutral venue for internet governance discussions, and by others as a…
ICANN's Uniform Rapid Suspension: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly – CircleID
ICANN’s Uniform Rapid Suspension: The Good, the Bad and the UglyCircleIDWith so many new gTLDs moving into their respective general availability periods, and incidents of cybersquatting beginning to appear, many companies are now looking towards the URS (Uniform Rapid Suspension)…
ICANN to Registrars: We're working on legal issues with 2013 RAA – Domain Name Wire
ICANN to Registrars: We’re working on legal issues with 2013 RAADomain Name WireICANN Vice President of Domain Name Services Cyrus Namazi has sent a letter (pdf) to domain name registrars regarding their concerns over legal implications of the 2013 Registrar…
ICANN seeks to tackle DNS namespace collision risks – Computerworld Australia
Computerworld Australia ICANN seeks to tackle DNS namespace collision risksComputerworld AustraliaAs the number of top-level domains undergoes explosive growth, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is studying ways to reduce the risk of traffic intended for internal…
Verisign Answers ICANN's Name Collision Study With Its Own Blog Post – TheDomains.com
Verisign Answers ICANN’s Name Collision Study With Its Own Blog PostTheDomains.com“With that technique, domain names that are currently on one of ICANN’s second-level domain (SLD) block lists can be registered and delegated for regular use, provided that they first go…
ICANN Publishes Study On Mitigating Risks of DNS Collisions & Opens … – TheDomains.com
ICANN Publishes Study On Mitigating Risks of DNS Collisions & Opens …TheDomains.comICANN should require new TLD registries to implement and publish a 120-day controlled interruption zone monitored by ICANN immediately upon delegation in the root zone. After the 120-day period,…
NABP Moves .Pharmacy Program Closer to Launch, Enters Contracting Phase … – Sacramento Bee
NABP Moves .Pharmacy Program Closer to Launch, Enters Contracting Phase …Sacramento BeeExecuting the agreement with ICANN will be a significant step in bringing the Association’s vision for the .pharmacy gTLD from concept to Internet. The .pharmacy proposal, developed in partnership…
ICANN SSAC on DDoS, DNS and BCP 38 – Spamhaus
ICANN SSAC on DDoS, DNS and BCP 38SpamhausICANN’s Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) document Advisory on DDoS Attacks Leveraging DNS Infrastructure, published this week, provides a much-needed touchstone for the Internet in its current state. DDoS attacks, such as…
ICANN Board Approves 'Thick' Whois Requirement for .COM and .NET – CircleID
ICANN Board Approves ‘Thick’ Whois Requirement for .COM and .NETCircleIDThe ICANN Board has approved the community recommendation that “the provision of Thick Whois services should become a requirement for all gTLD registries, both existing and future.” We have long supported…