For the Internet, it’s the next logical stepBradenton HeraldAs a practical matter Internet management was spun off in 1998 to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN. That’s the nonprofit organization that assures all Internet addresses are…
What do NYC Streets and Asteroids Have in Common? – Scientific American (blog)
Scientific American (blog) What do NYC Streets and Asteroids Have in Common?Scientific American (blog)Caleb A. Scharf Caleb Scharf is the director of Columbia University’s multidisciplinary Astrobiology Center. He has worked in the fields of observational cosmology, X-ray astronomy, and more…
ICANN adia liberação de domínios por conflitos comerciais – Teletime
ICANN adia liberação de domínios por conflitos comerciaisTeletimeQuando a Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) decidiu no ano passado aumentar e abrir a exploração comercial de domínios de alto nível (gTLDs, na sigla em inglês), utilizou o método…
DARPA-Funded Atlas Robot to Go Tetherless in the Next Six Months – TIME
DARPA-Funded Atlas Robot to Go Tetherless in the Next Six MonthsTIMEWe’ve written about Boston Dynamics’ DARPA-funded Atlas robot again and again and again, but I got a chance to meet Atlas in person today and found out that everyone’s favorite…
DARPA-Funded Atlas Robot to Go Tetherless in the Next Six Months – TIME
DARPA-Funded Atlas Robot to Go Tetherless in the Next Six MonthsTIMEWe’ve written about Boston Dynamics’ DARPA-funded Atlas robot again and again and again, but I got a chance to meet Atlas in person today and found out that everyone’s favorite…
DARPA-Funded Atlas Robot to Go Tetherless in the Next Six Months – TIME
DARPA-Funded Atlas Robot to Go Tetherless in the Next Six MonthsTIMEWe’ve written about Boston Dynamics’ DARPA-funded Atlas robot again and again and again, but I got a chance to meet Atlas in person today and found out that everyone’s favorite…