Watch The Colorful Dance of a Hundred Thousand AsteroidsSlate Magazine (blog)Now he’s gone and done something both astonishingly beautiful and scientifically fascinating: He took the asteroids in the solar system observed by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey—over 100,000 of them!–…
Incredible Technology: Space 'Harpoons' Could Snatch Samples of Asteroids … –
Incredible Technology: Space ‘Harpoons’ Could Snatch Samples of Asteroids …Space.comWhy bother landing softly on an alien world to collect samples if you can just snag material with a harpoon from afar? Using a set of long-lined, hard-hitting harpoons would allow…
Abu-Ghazaleh Launches ICANN Accredited Disputes Resolution Center – ag-IP-news Agency
Abu-Ghazaleh Launches ICANN Accredited Disputes Resolution Centerag-IP-news AgencyAMMAN – HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, president of the Arab Intellectual Property Mediation and Arbitration Society (AIPMAS) launched the Arab Center for Dispute Resolution (ACDR) accredited by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names…
Abu-Ghazaleh Launches ICANN Accredited Disputes Resolution Center – ag-IP-news Agency
Abu-Ghazaleh Launches ICANN Accredited Disputes Resolution Centerag-IP-news AgencyAMMAN – HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, president of the Arab Intellectual Property Mediation and Arbitration Society (AIPMAS) launched the Arab Center for Dispute Resolution (ACDR) accredited by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names…
Astronomers watch in horror as a poor pulsar gets pummeled by asteroids … – Tech Times
Tech Times Astronomers watch in horror as a poor pulsar gets pummeled by asteroids …Tech TimesScientists have discovered an incident involving a group of asteroids, including a billion ton bully, pounding a pulsar 37,000 light years away, using a powerful…
An Incredible Visualization of Asteroids from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey – Universe Today
An Incredible Visualization of Asteroids from the Sloan Digital Sky SurveyUniverse TodayWho knew asteroids could be so beautiful and mesmerizing? In 2008, a group of astronomers led by Alex Parker did a study of the size distribution of asteroid families…