Help em outCo-Optimus.comIndie development studio Indus3 is working on a game that features Asteroids like game play, but updated for the modern era. It features some incredibly slick visuals, co-op game play, and a modern soundtrack while still doing a…
Accidents and asteroids: Addressing the threat – euronews Accidents and asteroids: Addressing the threateuronewsHow real is the threat of an asteroid hitting Earth, and is there anything we can do to prevent it from happening? Asteroid impacts are nothing new. Only last year, one exploded over the…
Is ICANN Leaving The US? Here Is Akram Atallah Of ICANN's Answer –
Is ICANN Leaving The US? Here Is Akram Atallah Of ICANN’s AnswerTheDomains.comWhen ICANN was first created by contract with the US, it was always envisioned that the multistake model would work so well that at a certain point, and it…
Australian study found asteroids hit a tiny star – CCTV
Australian study found asteroids hit a tiny starCCTVScientists using CSIRO’s Parkes telescope and another telescopes in South Africa have found evidence that a tiny star called PSR J0738-4042 is being pounded by asteroids, CSIRO said in a media release on…
Rocks around the clock: asteroids pound tiny star – Phys.Org
Rocks around the clock: asteroids pound tiny starPhys.Org“This sort of dust disk could provide the ‘seeds’ that grow into larger asteroids,” said Mr Paul Brook, a PhD student co-supervised by the University of Oxford and CSIRO who led the study…
Incoming 'Moby Dick' asteroid goes missing near Earth – New Scientist
ExtremeTech Incoming ‘Moby Dick’ asteroid goes missing near EarthNew ScientistA whale of an asteroid has gone missing. The 270-metre space rock known as 2000 EM26 was slated to skim past Earth early on 18 February, coming within 3.4 million kilometres…