NASA Finds Three New, Massive And ‘Coal Black’ Near-Earth Asteroids10Huffington Post UKSo far there is no indication that any of those asteroids will hit the Earth any time soon – but it is a reminder that there are still many,…
ICANN Delegates More than 100 New gTLDs to Root Zone – Web Host Industry Review
HumanIPO ICANN Delegates More than 100 New gTLDs to Root ZoneWeb Host Industry ReviewThis week ICANN announced that more than 100 new gTLDs have been delegated into the DNS root zone, one of the final steps before registries can begin…
NEOWISE Marks Its First Month Back In Service – RedOrbit
RedOrbit NEOWISE Marks Its First Month Back In ServiceRedOrbitOnce a hibernating craft drifting silently through space, NEOWISE was repurposed and reactivated last month with a new mission – find asteroids and other potentially hazardous near-Earth objects (NEO). On Thursday, NASA…
NASA's NeoWise Telescope Finds Three Massive, 'Coal Black' Near-Earth … – Huffington Post UK
NASA’s NeoWise Telescope Finds Three Massive, ‘Coal Black’ Near-Earth …Huffington Post UKSo far there is no indication that any of those asteroids will hit the Earth any time soon – but it is a reminder that there are still many,…
ICANN delegates over 100 new gTLDs – HumanIPO
HumanIPO ICANN delegates over 100 new gTLDsHumanIPOThe Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has delegated more than 100 new generic Top-Level domains (gTLDs) since beginning the process in October, as it looks to increase the current 22 gTLDs…
1st asteroid spewing water vapour found – Times of India
1st asteroid spewing water vapour foundTimes of IndiaMUMBAI: ESA’s (European Space Agency) Herschel space observatory has discovered water vapour around Ceres, the first unambiguous detection of water vapour around an object in the asteroid belt, according to an announcement by…