Registrar BigRock Gets ICANN Terminated Registrar Dynamic Dolphin’s DomainsTheDomains.comICANN has authorized the bulk transfer of gTLD domain names from Dynamic Dolphin, Inc. to BigRock Solutions Ltd. due to compliance actions taken by ICANN that resulted in the de-accreditation of Dynamic…
Asteroid-Hunting Satellite Returns from Dead – Scientific American
TG Daily Asteroid-Hunting Satellite Returns from DeadScientific AmericanBut even without coolant, WISE’s infrared eyes are perfect for spotting dim rocks that radiate heat, not light—such as asteroids. Especially asteroids with Earth’s name on them. So WISE has been resurrected as…
ICANN Fellows for Singapore Meeting Announced – (blog)
ICANN Fellows for Singapore Meeting (blog)This evening, ICANN released the names of the 42 people who were selected for the ICANN Fellowship program, which I previously wrote about. The 42 fellows are from 31 different countries, and they will…
Is ICANN Going To Hold Registries; The $25K .Sucks One To What They Said In … –
Is ICANN Going To Hold Registries; The $25K .Sucks One To What They Said In …TheDomains.comThe $25,000 Sunrise fee is a per domain per year fee and of course unprecedented and especially troubling because its being offered to trademark holders…
NASA's asteroid hunter spacecraft returns first images after reactivation – TG Daily
TG Daily NASA’s asteroid hunter spacecraft returns first images after reactivationTG DailyNASA’s Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE), a spacecraft that made the most comprehensive survey to date of asteroids and comets, has returned its first set of test…
Reactivated asteroid hunter returns first images – Sen – Space exploration network
State Column Reactivated asteroid hunter returns first imagesSen – Space exploration network(Sen) – NASA’s asteroid hunter — called the Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) — has taken its first images since being reactivated after more than two and…