ICANN Labs takes a breather to focus on new ICANN websiteDomain Name WireThe four experiments run within ICANN Labs were instrumental in helping us understand what would work for a new ICANN website that seeks to not only inform concerned…
Asteroid Diversity Points to a "Snow Globe" Solar System – Space Fellowship
Space Fellowship Asteroid Diversity Points to a “Snow Globe” Solar SystemSpace FellowshipIn this artist’s conception, Jupiter’s migration through the solar system has swept asteroids out of stable orbits, sending them careening into one another. As the gas giant planets migrated,…
'Rogue' asteroids may be the norm – MIT News
Space.com ‘Rogue’ asteroids may be the normMIT NewsIn the 1980s, scientists’ view of the solar system’s asteroids was essentially static: Asteroids that formed near the sun remained near the sun; those that formed farther out stayed on the outskirts. But…
How Much Should We Really Worry About Asteroids? – Mashable
How Much Should We Really Worry About Asteroids?MashableTracking asteroids and patrolling the skies is a fascinating field — one that blends traditional science with the imagination-capturing realm of space rocks. The tales we heard in a story we published on…
Russia, US mulling over diversion of asteroid hazard – Russia Beyond The Headlines
Russia, US mulling over diversion of asteroid hazardRussia Beyond The HeadlinesRussia and the United States will pool efforts in the creation of asteroid diversion techniques. Russian Emergency Situations Minister Vladimir Puchkov said in a video link with the administrator of…
ICANN CEO sets off explosion of new Internet names (Q&A) – CNET
ICANN CEO sets off explosion of new Internet names (Q&A)CNETThe Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a non-profit organization, oversees the domain-name expansion and the core Internet technology called the Domain Name System that makes it tick. Chehade…