The Hunt for Killer AsteroidsMashable… spacecraft’s gravitational pull to nudge an asteroid off its course. While specifics about asteroid tracking and prevention continue to be fuzzy, the lingering question remains: When it’s our entire civilization at risk, is it better…
ICANN makes progress on data retention waivers for domain name registrars – Domain Name Wire
ICANN makes progress on data retention waivers for domain name registrarsDomain Name WireICANN published today the first preliminary determination on a registrar’s request to change the data retention requirements in the 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA). The 2013 RAA requires…
Speaker Peter Brown: Impact Hazard from Small Asteroids – University of Central Florida
Speaker Peter Brown: Impact Hazard from Small AsteroidsUniversity of Central FloridaA year ago a small asteroid exploded without warning with the force of 500,000 tons of TNT over Chelyabinsk, Russia. Dr. Peter Brown is one of the leading experts on…
The Asymmetrics, the WEF, ICANN, Brazil, and the 'Little Red Book' of … – Huffington Post
The Asymmetrics, the WEF, ICANN, Brazil, and the ‘Little Red Book’ of …Huffington PostOn January 7, 2014, during a MIT cyber conference, the head of ICANN declared in front of many Asymmetrics present in the room, most of them from…
Dust from Comets, Asteroids and Leftover Debris Showers Water and Organics – French Tribune
French Tribune Dust from Comets, Asteroids and Leftover Debris Showers Water and OrganicsFrench TribuneA tremendous discovery has taken place in which researchers found that dust particles from the interplanetary surface might have showered water and organics to earth. The researchers…
NASA Finds Three New, Massive And 'Coal Black' Near-Earth Asteroids10 – Huffington Post UK
NASA Finds Three New, Massive And ‘Coal Black’ Near-Earth Asteroids10Huffington Post UKSo far there is no indication that any of those asteroids will hit the Earth any time soon – but it is a reminder that there are still many,…