Scientists Stunned by 2.75-Billion-Year-Old Rocks That Rewrite Life’s Origins – Indian Defence Review

Scientists Stunned by 2.75-Billion-Year-Old Rocks That Rewrite Life’s Origins  Indian Defence Review Mechanistic links between intense volcanism and the transient oxygenation of the Archean atmosphere Earth’s rocks hold whiffs of air from billions of years ago  Science Volcanic activity billions of years…

Ancient Trees Frozen For 6,000 Years Emerge From Ice – The Daily Galaxy –Great Discoveries Channel

Ancient Trees Frozen For 6,000 Years Emerge From Ice  The Daily Galaxy –Great Discoveries Channel ‘Shocker under ice’: 6,000-year-old trees found where no forest should exist  Business Today Researchers stunned after making 6,000-year-old discovery underneath Rocky Mountain ice: ‘We were really surprised’  Yahoo