Annie Hall

She is Marianne Hines, but most call her ANNiE.  The nick is short and sweet and not at all like her.   She’s 5’11” and happiest when she’s dirty, covered in paint splotches, wind-blown, and grass-stained.
She’s spent most of her life in the Northwest.  Twelve years ago she came to the southeast for love, that love is now her husband, the Emperor.
Her favorite cities are London and Paris for the art, the food, and the architecture.  She loves Spring and Fall, mountains, untouched snow, the smell of a horse’s mane, the sound of paper dry leaves under foot, birds singing, the ocean, reef snorkeling, flea market hunting, cooking for friends who love to eat, being loud and laughing.
Before she started the shop Oddnia on Etsy (it’s also the name of a book she wrote a while back), she had several jobs (some she still does), caterer, reservations & sales coordinator, records technologist, seamstress, art gallery salesperson, interior designer, graphic artist for a newspaper, boat designer and builder, costumer and set designer and builder, author, and horse handler.  So she knows a little about making things that taste good, fill a need, fit well, look beautiful, function well, stimulate the senses and arouse the mind.

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