Category: Science News

Current Science News and Opinions by the Emperor of the Internet

New Higgs detection 'closes circle' – BBC News

BBC News New Higgs detection ‘closes circle’BBC NewsPhysicists who detected a version of the Higgs Boson in a superconductor say their discovery closes a “historical circuit”. They also stressed that the low-energy work was “completely separate” from the famous evidence…

New Higgs detection 'closes circle' – BBC News

BBC News New Higgs detection ‘closes circle’BBC NewsPhysicists who detected a version of the Higgs Boson in a superconductor say their discovery closes a “historical circuit”. They also stressed that the low-energy work was “completely separate” from the famous evidence…

New Higgs detection 'closes circle' – BBC News

BBC News New Higgs detection ‘closes circle’BBC NewsPhysicists who detected a version of the Higgs Boson in a superconductor say their discovery closes a “historical circuit”. They also stressed that the low-energy work was “completely separate” from the famous evidence…